
A software platform for DFN modelling

“Fractures matter”


DFN.lab is a modular computational suite to deal with three-dimensional Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) models from generation to simulation and analysis of connectivity, flow, mechanical and transport properties. Core modules are developed in C++ for high performances and a Python API is provided for easy use.


DFN Generation

Generate Discrete Frature Network with statistical or genetic rules


Provide a full range of analysis from  density to spatial organization

Fracture mechanics

Linear elastic properties in and out of fractures

Particle Tracking

Advective transport of particles


Steady-state and transient flow

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Le Goc, R., Pinier, B., Darcel, C., Lavoine, E., Doolaeghe, D., de Simone, S., . . Davy, P (2019, 9-13 December 2019). DFN.lab: Software platform for Discrete Fracture Network models. Paper presented at the AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA.


Learn how to use DFN.lab with these step by step tutorials

Python and DFN.Lab

Create domain

Tunnels & wells

Create deterministic fractures and DFNs

Input and output DFN files

Stochastic DFN generation

Genetic DFN generation

Hydraulic boundary conditions

Transmissivity generation

Identifying connected structures

Meshing DFNs

Solving flow (steady state)

Solving flow with graphs

Particle tracking

Fracture domains and deformation zones


Discover the DFN.lab team

Romain Le Goc

ITASCA Research Engineer

Caroline Darcel

ITASCA Project Manager

Philippe Davy

CNRS Research Director

Benoit Pinier

ITASCA Research Engineer

Discover the Fractory